sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

I am afraid that you love me.
I don't want that you love me.
You are just perfect.
I love you and because this that I don't want that you have me.
I am not perfect to you and I have a long distance for perfection.

You appeared in my life from nothing...
What do you want?
Why do you came to me?
What do you can show to me?
I have you. I know. You have me. You know.
What will happen now?

I am a banana - B2

You don't know how much I want you...

d^.^b: Do It - Nelly Furtado

Um comentário:

Juliana Poggi disse...

caracasss!! não acredito que vc ainda tem esse bonecoo!!! kkkk

and YES!!! Nós somos bananas! vc não esta sozinha nessa! ser humano é só uma ilusão!